Buyer Personas – 5 Ways to Add Value
As a content creator and social media specialist, the first question I ask when taking on a new project is “Who is my audience?” Once I have an idea of whom, I ask, what and how. “What does this audience care about and how can I add value to their lives?”
Once I have the answers to whom, what, and why, I can develop a buyer persona. Establishing a buyer persona is the first step in providing engaging, relevant, and valuable content. In this blog post, I’d like to delve a little deeper into the third rule: provide value.
Our objective for any project is to quickly and succinctly provide value to the buyer. Value in this case means actionable insight that will help to make their life better, easier, faster, or all of the above.
Here are 5 ways to add value for your buyers:
- Tell them something that they don’t already know that they’ll feel proud to be smart about
- Illuminate an industry trend, providing insight they can act on to get ahead
- Tell them how to avoid making a big mistake
- Tell them how to leverage an opportunity that very few know about
- Provide a tool they can use to make a decision
These five tips allow you to position yourself as a go-to resource, which paves the way to becoming a thought leader in your industry.
By adding value, you become more valuable. It sounds simple and logical, but it’s often overlooked in content marketing.
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